
My blog, badly neglected for some years, finally died last year. I was sick and failed to renew the domain name, and around the same time my typepad subscription was not renewed. (Credit card not valid) A crying shame, as its key focus was a journey of peacemaking in Luton during the first few years we were plagued by the English Defence League. Several times recently people have asked me why I'd not written on our work here, and it never dawned on me that I had! Then a number of pieces I'd written began to show up as "on this day" memories on Facebook, and reading them I realised the hours of reflection and a search for understanding they represented.

So when a new friend who'd been reading them offered to help me get up and blogging again I jumped at it. Thanks Sam!  I have started here on Squarespace as, and have now registered it as Additionally I've resurrected the typepad blog as for now. Its a bit of a mess but I'll be planning to export all the posts and get them here - though its a bit complex as there is no direct typepad export to squarespace. If you are a friend on Facebook most posts are also there as notes.

There's a lot to comment on just now. Not sure I'll have time to write the essays I used to, but will be trying to challenge the hatred out there, and chart a way through the conflict.